Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology, KMUTT, joins the project “Media, Information and Digital Literacy Fair”

On October 24, 2024, the Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology, KMUTT, participated in the “Media, Information and Digital Literacy Fair” at the KX Building (Knowledge Exchange for Innovation Center), 7th, 8th and 11th floors, led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tanes Tanitteerapan, Dean of the Faculty of Industry and Technology, who joined the opening ceremony, along with the Manager of the Health Promotion Fund, the Manager of the Children and Youth Media Promotion Foundation, the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Monitoring Unsafe and Uncreative Media, the Safe and Creative Media Development Fund and participants. The event featured a Special Talk on “Driving Media Literacy for Citizens” by media and communication experts from UNESCO, and many more communication seminars, as well as exhibitions by network partners to visit. This conference was organized to raise awareness among various sectors about the importance of Media, Information and Digital Literacy (MIDL) and to jointly promote it as a social agenda to create a platform for exchanging academic knowledge, lessons learned from the operations of various relevant sectors, and to enhance knowledge and innovation in media literacy. To be in line with the social and world situation and to push for guidelines and mechanisms to support the media literacy campaign network continuously every year.