University Governance

KMUTT’s official policies have four dimensions:

PD1 Quality: all university’s tasks including graduate production, research work, academic services and graduate production support must (a) follow standards or requirements and (b) respond to needs and create satisfaction to customers and stakeholders. Note that this PD corresponds to NGGP1 Selflessness.

PD2 Relevant Excellence: operation excellence in all dimensions with an aim to create work (a) that is meaningful to the economy and the society of Thailand and (b) that is the KMUTT community’s pride. Note that this PD corresponds to NGGP1 Selflessness.

PD3 Productivity: create added value in products within given resources (e.g., human resources, finance, and materials & equipment) Note that this PD corresponds to NGGP3 Objectivity.

PD4 Governance: Follow ten good-governance principles (GGPs):

KMUTT policy dimensions 10 correspond to baseline good governance principles

GGP1 Effectiveness

Public administration must use NGGP1 Selflessness resources economically and lead to productivity that is worthwhile for investment and results in highest public benefits. In addition, there must be a reduction in the number of steps and the time for operation in order to (i) facilitate convenience and to reduce expenditure and (ii) abandon out-ofdate and unnecessary tasks.

Related NGGP(s) (refer to Section I.B)
NGGP1 Selflessness

GGP2 Efficiency

In public administration, a strategic vision is required to address the needs of the people and all stakeholders. Perform duties according to a mission in order to achieve organisational objectives. Operational goals must be spelled out clearly at a level that satisfies the public expectations. Systematically create operational processes with standards. Have risk management and aim for performance excellence with continuous monitoring and operation improvement.

GGP3 Responsiveness

Public administration must provide quality services and can complete the services within assigned time. Create confidence and trust. Appropriately satisfy expectations and needs of various servicereceiving people and stakeholders.

Related NGGP(s) (refer to Section I.B)
NGGP7 Selflessness

GGP4 Accountabiity

Public administration must be able to address questions and clarify all doubts. Must install systems for progress & performance reporting according to public goals for the benefits of auditing and rewarding/ punishing. Prepare systems for solving and mitigating any possible problem and impact.

Related NGGP(s) (refer to Section I.B)
NGGP1 Selflessness
NGGP3 Objectivity
NGGP4 Accountability

GGP5 Transparency

Public administration must (i) be conducted with honesty and straightforwardness, (ii) regularly disclose necessary and reliable data and news to the public, and (iii) install systems for easily accessible data & news.

Related NGGP(s) (refer to Section I.B)
NGGP2 Integrity
NGGP5 Openness NGGP6 Honesty

GGP6 Decentralisation

In public administration, there should be appropriate delegation of authorities and distribution of decision-making & operation responsibilities to implementors at various levels. Transfer roles and tasks to local governments and other social parties.

Related NGGP(s) (refer to Section I.B)
NGGP2 Integrity
NGGP3 Objectivity

GGP7 Rule of Law

Public administration must strictly, fairly and indiscriminately exercise the power of laws, rules and regulations with consideration of the rights and the freedom of the people and various stakeholders.

Related NGGP(s) (refer to Section I.B)
NGGP2 Integrity
NGGP3 Objectivity

GGP8 Equity

Public administration must provide equitable services with no discrimination between mean, women, origins, races, nationalities, languages, sexes, age, physical circumstances or health, etc.. Must take into account of equitable opportunities for accessing public services by the humble people in the society as well.

Related NGGP(s) (refer to Section I.B)
NGGP3 Objectivity

GGP9 Participation

Public administration must listen to the people’s opinions and be open to the people’s participation in perceiving, learning, understanding, voicing their views, presenting relevant important problems and issues, decisionmaking & operation processes, and performance monitoring.

Related NGGP(s) (refer to Section I.B)
NGGP5 Openness

GGP10 Consensus-oriented

Public administration must attempt to seek for consensuses or jointagreements among related stakeholders. In particular, directly affected groups must not have unresolvable objections for important issues.

Related NGGP(s) (refer to Section I.B)
NGGP1 Selflessness
NGGP4 Accountability

[1] From page 9, KMUTT Super KPIs Manual, August 2014

[1] The ten good-governance principles were exerted nationally in all Thai HEIs via external assessments of Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (ONESQA) during Years 2011-2015. Refer to page 9 of ONESQA’s Manual for the 3rd-round External Assessment, Higher-Education-Level (revised edition, November 2011) accessible via a shortened link: Click

[1] The ten (operationalising) principles are resulting details from the study of Office of the Public Sector Development Commission (OPDC) in Year 2009 order to fulfil the foundation (as stated in Thailand’s Constitution 1997), the framework (as stated in Section 4, Clause 74, Constitution

[1] ), (guiding) administration principles (as stated in Clause 3/1 of the fifth Government Administration Act), and good administration scope (as stated in Royal Decree on Criteria and Methods for Good Administration 2003). (Refer to a page (in Thai): special.php?spc_id=3&content_id=2225 )
