KMUTT Organization Transformation

Interview with 

Asst. Prof. Dr. Prasert Kanthamanon
Senior Vice President for Administrative Affairs

One of KMUTT’s strategic goals is to be the best Science, Technology and Innovation University in Thailand for Learning Innovation within a 5-year period. Since the commencement in 2017, KMUTT has stayed true to our direction of employing innovative teaching method throughout the years as we head towards the outcome-based education under the original policy framework – KMUTT Educational Reform.

We have spelled out KMUTT4Life strategy which is an educational management that allows access for students of all ages to study at their convenience in order to increase knowledge, develop skills to improve quality of life and work capabilities.

With regard to our teaching and learning adjustment, we have introduced module-based learning and non-semester system, a move from the familiar and traditional classes of subject-based learning and semester-based program.

A conventional approach to deliver a 3-credit subject spanning over 15 weeks (three hours per week) will be changed so that each module can continue uninterruptedly while taking a shorter time to complete. Apart from degree students, any individuals wishing to study at KMUTT are considered members of KMUTT. Each type of student will have its own rules to follow. In addition, the members of KMUTT are not necessarily students of any specific department or program because we are open to any individual to enroll in their interested core knowledge or subjects. They will earn credentials and graduate after obtaining all required credentials specified by the university.

Another strategy to compete with other universities is the way we differentiate our learning innovation from others. At KMUTT, our work integrated learning (WIL) is offered to create learning coupled with work experience for students in order to allow them to practice skills, understand the process and encounter any arising issues or problems during work and learning. It is vital that an experience-based learning be created for all students. To develop a new university ecosystem offering a teaching system that allows learning from work requires the creation of partnership (networking) with the entire industrial, social and governmental sectors to enrich KMUTT students’ work experience by sharing work space with the network for maximum benefit.

We believe that the key strength of KMUTT lies in our high potential staff who are ready for transitioning and developing to succeed in the New Normal to support KMUTT4Life through cross-functional teams from various departments, the so-called Ant Team pursuing the assignment based on KMUTT’s goal. Everyone unites the same way the ants work to achieve greater heights – something much bigger than themselves – towards the target. I trust that when working as the Ant Team that have gained insight into the strategic goals of the university, we will be able to improve our way of working to be more productive, efficient, meaningful and cost effective. Doing so will help us greatly contribute to the nation and achieve the university strategic goals as planned as well. Thank you.